Hi, Is it possible to raise / remove the ceiling f...
# questions
Hi, Is it possible to raise / remove the ceiling for pyarrow, it is currently pinned to <7.0 and we wanted to use kedro with some libraries which needs pyarrow 8. Thank you!
which libraries?
also we only use pyarrow for
so you should be able to just upgrade the library with that being the only risk of it breaking
We use optbinning which for some reason gives a segmentation error on pyarrow < 8 in mac but works fine on other OS. We use
in our pipeline, I tried with pyarrow == 8 nothing breaks
Do you have a good way to upgrade pyarrow without pip’s dependency resolver complaining of the conflict ? Only way I can think of is installing in 2 steps.
@Vaibhav feel free to open a PR on https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-plugins/tree/main/kedro-datasets to bump up the version of pyarrow
Also which version of Kedro are you using?
I’m not sure the best way to force pip aside from the two steps
Is it possible to do this for for 0.17 as well, as we haven’t migrated to 0.18 yet ?
Thanks for the PR I think this will be very helpful 🙂
it’s not possible to retroactively change releases like that
yes of course not retroactively changing the release. I was thinking it its a candidate for a patch version, but haven’t seen patch version in kedro yet.
Patching would only really happen for fixing bug issues. Bumping of dependencies doesn’t really warrant a patch unfortunately.
nw - thanks a lot for the help Merel and Joel! We can live with two step install to solve this until we upgrade to 0.18
You’ll also note our move to
being a standalone package will make this way way easier in the future as we can bump / change / push releases way faster than corep