Anyone know why the Spaceflight tutorial run with ...
# plugins-integrations
Anyone know why the Spaceflight tutorial run with a
kedro kubeflow run-once
command generates this warning?
Copy code
WARNING  ./.pyenv/versions/kedro-spacetut/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kfp/components/ UserWarning: Missing type name was inferred as "JsonObject" based on the value "{'active_modelling_pipeline': {'model_options': {'test_size': 0.2, 'random_state': 3, 'features': ['engines', 'passenger_capacity',                       
                             'crew', 'd_check_complete', 'moon_clearance_complete', 'iata_approved', 'company_rating', 'review_scores_rating']}}, 'candidate_modelling_pipeline': {'model_options':                     
                             {'test_size': 0.2, 'random_state': 8, 'features': ['engines', 'passenger_capacity', 'crew', 'review_scores_rating']}}}".
As you can clearly see from the path, it’s a warning raised by KFP SDK. It’s related to type annotations used internally by the SDK (which are optional)
Ok, thanks. So nothing actionable… I was seeing odd names for uploaded pipelines so I was wondering if I was missing a name element somewhere. But looking at the kedro kubeflow code, it looks like that name is always generated from the project name + kedro env (unlike run-once where you can name the “disposable pipeline” that is created). At least, that’s what I think I’ve observed…