Hey team, I am trying to view the kedro viz for my...
# questions
Hey team, I am trying to view the kedro viz for my pipeline. Kedro and code is present on a different cluster. How do I view the viz from my local machine. I am able to get the JSON, anything I can do to visualize it.
kedro viz --load-file my_shareable_pipeline.json
doesn't seem to be working, it's a pointing to a port which is refusing connection!
Can you share the resulting error message?
Sure! It literally says "This site can't" be reached. refused to connect.
Can you share the message from the terminal, where you ran Viz
Wait, are you running Viz on a remote machine/cluster and trying to access it from your laptop?
No kedro viz is isntalled on cluster
trying to run from remote machine.
The problem is the clusters local host, cant be accessed from my remote machine!
Yeah, that's to be expected. Localhost is a special address only accessible from that machine.
If you have the pipeline JSON, you can transfer it to your machine and visualize the pipeline
Alternatively, you can host Kedro-Viz on the remote machine and forward ports, etc. to make it accessible from other machines
sure! how do I visualize the json file?
Using the command I shared up top, running kedro-viz on your local machine and with the JSON file also accessible from your machine