I’m curious, does anyone uses the conda ecosystem ...
# random
I’m curious, does anyone uses the conda ecosystem not only to manage environments, but also to manage Kedro project dependencies?
I’m in category 1, not a huge fan of conda for the other stuff This talk I watched a few years ago talked about the different env manager options and covered why I like it’s approach to env management


In general for the packaging/dependency stuff we try and stick to
1st party standards rather than things like Poetry, PDM, PyEnv etc
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(Or 1st party complimentary integrations like
I'm leaning towards pip for installation these days, but been a big fan of conda. for tricky stuff like gpu-enabled deep learning frameworks, geospatial stuff and the like, I'd definitely use conda (rather: its younger cousin,
, which is blazing fast even for
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We use
for environment management and
project dependencies. It was in part because Anaconda has some managed services that helped our public sector org from the security perspective. So there’s always a command that pulls from a managed distribution channel on a server inside the firewall:
conda env create -n new_environment --file src/environment.yml
Not trying to change the subject, I just know that Jordan’s question was fundamental as we were trying to figure out how to do the source code part of reproducible, modular, maintainable data science code. How do orgs handle security concerns around OSS and tools like
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How do orgs handle security concerns around OSS and tools like
I think possible answers are a) They don't (highly risky) b) They use
(not secure at all, see https://scribe.rip/@alex.birsan/dependency-confusion-4a5d60fec610) c) They have a PyPI proxy and block all access to
(the only secure option)
👍 2
This talk I watched a few years ago talked about the different env manager options and covered why I like it’s approach to env management
Nice, I’ll check this out
For most of my personal projects, I have no particular need to package them, hence
is kind of irrelevant. The only thing I use it for is to install my package in editable mode during development.
conda develop src
, which just adds the relevant dirs that include
to the path, is enough to meet my needs most of the time, but it’s unofficially depreciated these days, so not really a long term solution. So looks like
pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps -e src
would be the best way to install in editable mode if one were using conda to manage all dependencies.
I see you're subscribed to https://github.com/conda/conda-build/issues/4251 as well 😄
I see you’re subscribed to https://github.com/conda/conda-build/issues/4251 as well 😄
That’s hilarious, I had no idea I was talking to the same person. Looks like we move in the same circles 😉
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