hey team, I want to install kedro, kedro-mlflow, a...
# plugins-integrations
hey team, I want to install kedro, kedro-mlflow, and kedro-azureml. However, I'm facing versioning errors while trying to install all of them in the same environment. Has anyone already done that to provide the steps and versions of installing those? thanks in advance
Can you provide some stacktrace? It's hard to guess
First thing I would check is make sure you are using a Python version that
indeed, what Python version and Operating System are you using @George Drakoulas?
It would be great if you could create just a simple test case e.g. as the following to check it. 1. pip install kedro 2. pip install kedro-mlflow 3. pip install kedro-azureml I have tried different python versions in Windows.
@George Drakoulas try
pip install kedro kedro-mlflow kedro-azureml -vv
and paste the whole output
K 1
Thanks. Using python 3.10.11, and after installing the libraries, I receive the following output:
I'm not facing however an error now..
hmmm I think these logs are truncated (even after opening the full file)
but if you have no errors now, great!
usually it's a good practice to tell
all the packages you need, so that the constraint satisfiability algorithm works properly
Thanks a lot!
🙌🏼 1
hey, when creating an azureml kedro pipeline and trying to run kedro azureml run, I'm facing the following error: AttributeError: 'ComputeInstance' object has no attribute 'min_instances' Have you ever faced that? thanks in advance
hey @George Drakoulas , better to create a new thread for visibility
👍 1