I'm trying to use delta kedro-datasets `spark.Delt...
# plugins-integrations
I'm trying to use delta kedro-datasets
on a newer version by installing kedro-datasets w/o dependencies as mentioned here. I'm trying to load my kedro session in databricks w/ line magic:
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%load_ext kedro.ipython
I got an error saying No module named 's3fs'. I'm using databricks on Azure w/ adlfs . Do I still need s3fs for credentials.yml to work? This is my catalog.yml entry causing the error:
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# Just testing on vanilla spark right now to get to a version that I know works
  type: spark.SparkDataset
  filepath: abfss://~/media_meas_campaign_info/
  file_format: parquet
  credentials: azure_group
   header: True
   inferSchema: True
I installed
and everything works fine, I was just surprised because I assumed I would only need that if I was in AWS and I got a bunch of errors when trying to install
because databricks already had some underlying dependencies on a newer version that it wouldn't let pip uninstall.
Yes, you're correct. I think I've just addressed that this is an unfortunate artifact that maybe nobody has complained about before? https://kedro-org.slack.com/archives/C03RKP2LW64/p1710191393254779?thread_ts=1710191179.698869&amp;cid=C03RKP2LW64