hi, I was wondering how to see the method selected...
# questions
hi, I was wondering how to see the method selected when reading generic datasets. thx for any pointers https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/3636
Hi @Gauthier Pierard - I’ll answer on the issue!
🥳 1
Response is up
ok so after copying generic_dataset.py to a locally available path and changing the classpath in the catalog, I should be able to access the actual loader...
yes it’s a super easy way to confirm how it works
but my current understanding is that it should be functioning correctly? does it not provide you a dataframe?
yes, it is most definitely a read_fwf. But I think your suggestion of having a log info message makes a lot of sense
not always easy perhaps for users to know how their data is actually being read
it is basically doing behind the scenes (with somethings like read_clipboard blocked)
get_attr(pd, "read_fwf")
so if the string is correct it should work
hmm ok
thanks for your answer !