[noobie alert] First time trying Kedro here. I us...
# questions
[noobie alert] First time trying Kedro here. I use duckdb with its python sdk. I keep the data in parquet files. How should I config the catalog? Is there any example of a project using duckdb?
hi @Fred Guth ! have a look at https://github.com/deepyaman/jaffle-shop/blob/main/conf/base/catalog.yml and https://kedro.org/blog/building-scalable-data-pipelines-with-kedro-and-ibis it’s all a bit experimental, so if you’re in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask
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@Fred Guth I would recommend using something like Ibis, as @Juan Luis mentioned above, because the dataframe API provides objects more akin to what Kedro works with. There is information about using Ibis with DuckDB on https://duckdb.org/docs/guides/python/ibis.html, as well as in the Ibis project docs. If you want to use the DuckDB Python API, it would need to be a bit different, as DuckDB seems to rely on variables in local scope for the Python API, and you'd need to make sure those variables are available in the Kedro nodes. I can try and take a look later, if you want to use this Python API rather than trying Ibis. Do let me know if you run into any issues with the Kedro-Ibis integration, should you to that route. I'm also in the process of adding the dataset to Kedro-Datasets, so hopefully it will become more accessible!
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+1 for ibis here. I haven't worked with their duckdb backend specifically, but their dataframe transformation syntax is super clean for the vast majority of transformations you would want to do
Thank you all, I will give ibis a try.
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