Is there a way of installing only the data catalog...
# questions
Is there a way of installing only the data catalog part of Kedro?
not at present, but it has been requested in the past. how would this help you?
or rather, what would you remove from Kedro? 😄 a installable
would be nice, but without
it wouldn’t support dataset factories, custom resolvers etc.
For our use case, only the DataCatalog part is relevant - nothing about the nodes, pipelines or orchestration. So I'm thinking this might help us avoid additional dependencies. For some reason, some clients also don't like and/or accept Kedro as well 🤔
so would you say it's nothing in specific, just keeping things lean?
👌 1
(about clients not accepting Kedro, if you have extra insight, I'd be happy to hear 👂🏼)
For our use case, only the DataCatalog part is relevant - nothing about the nodes, pipelines or orchestration. So I'm thinking this might help us avoid additional dependencies.
For some reason, some clients also don't like and/or accept Kedro as well 🤔
Would having
helps in this case? This is the core dependency of kedro and there is not much heavy dependencies. Maybe
(if you don't need config loader), and
are not required with data catalog.
Copy code
dependencies = [
    "importlib-metadata>=3.6,<8.0; python_version >= '3.8'",
    "importlib_resources>=1.3,<7.0",  # The `files()` API was introduced in `importlib_resources` 1.3 and Python 3.9.
    "pluggy>=1.0, <1.4.0",
    "rope>=0.21,<2.0",  # subject to LGPLv3 license
    "toposort>=1.5",  # Needs to be at least 1.5 to be able to raise CircularDependencyError