Looks like latest `kedro-datasets 2.0.0` doesn't h...
# questions
Looks like latest
kedro-datasets 2.0.0
doesn't have support for python 3.8. Is this on purpose?
kedro 0.19.1
can't be imported in python 3.8 unless I'm missing something
Hey, yes we dropped support for python 3.8 on kedro-datasets
Gotcha. That effectively means kedro in python 3.8 is probably not a great idea? Even though officially support isn't dropped.
Yeah, I think technically a lower version of kedro-datasets would still work with kedro 0.19.1 but it’d be better to use a higher python version
👍 1
@Adrian Kjaerran To expand on the rationale a bit, we decided to follow the lead of a lot of other Python data libraries in adopting NEP 29. Most of the datasets already depend on libraries that follow this standard (think Matplotlib, NumPy, pandas, Dask, xarray, PyTables, etc.), so you already wouldn't be able to use latest versions with 3.8. If you're interested in the discussion on the topic, see https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/2815.
@Deepyaman Datta I think you tagged the wrong person, but this makes sense. It just took me a moment to figure out why my pip refused to upgrade to kedro-datasets 2.0.0.
facepalming 1
That I did...