Hi, I’m looking at namespaces and modular pipeline...
# questions
Hi, I’m looking at namespaces and modular pipelines. Must say, it’s somewhat confusing, and also some things seems to have changed in newer versions of kedro. For one, how should I understand this note a bit further down in the docs https://docs.kedro.org/en/0.18.12/nodes_and_pipelines/modular_pipelines.html#using-a-modular-pipeline-multiple-times
references will not be namespaced, but
references will. In my mental model, it should not matter if I specify the whole parameter dictionary as “parameters” or if I give an individual element of it “params:elem”. This seems like a detail of how I implemented my node function. But indeed, when I tried this out, “params:elem”-type parameters will be “hidden” under the given namespace when creating a namespaced pipeline from a template one, while the “parameters” dict will stay global. So basically “params:elem” and the “elem” attribute of “parameters” will refer to different values, for instance when I have a node function that takes
input=["parameters", "params:elem"]
. What’s the reasoning here, conceptually? Thanks, Viveca
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Namespaces weren’t applied to parameters in 0.17.x
but they have been for a bout a year and a half now
So how do I think about the difference between “parameters” and “params:“?
parameters is everything in one big dictionary - if I had my way I’d deprecate it.
Explicit is better than implicit
is an explicit reference
I think the reasoning behind is
are namespaced by default.
is an exception - and it’s kind of a legacy thing for backward compatibility. It is only useful when you need the whole dictionary of your parameters (i.e. when you need to log the parameters ).
I sympathise that it is quite hard to understand as I have the same question myself. I updated this doc recently There is an open issue for updating this piece of doc in a holistic way
👍🏼 1
I see, thanks for the replies. My suspicion was that the difference is due to something internal about how “parameters” vs “params:” is translated.