[Custom starters] Is there a way to make sure that...
# questions
[Custom starters] Is there a way to make sure that some of the prompts from starter’s cookiecutter prompts will be actual
? We experience an issue where all values from the interactive prompts are being casted to
, which is really inconvenient for `true`/`false` values, because they enforce such syntax:
{%- if <http://cookiecutter.my|cookiecutter.my>_flag != "False" %}
I think we’re reaching the limits of cookiecutter here. I’ve been tracking projects like copier and cruft, longer term there is an initiative to rework this journey too
👍 2
If that’s considered, then maybe the prompting mechanism could also be re-worked, because right now when you make a mistake (failing to match validation regex), the whole process exists and you have to type everything again
For that I think we only have one prompt in Kedro new now.
Custom starters can have > 1 prompt
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In that sense I guess the simplest change is to catch the exception and re-prompt for the same input until user input a valid value?
👍 2