And another interesting one: Is it possible that a...
# questions
And another interesting one: Is it possible that a
has a (dynamic)
as output? E.g. I have multiple "normal" parameters defined which serve as input into a
node. That node should - dependend on the normal parameter inputs - output a single parameter which might serve as input to other nodes. Currently - by simply outputting that "parameter" value - this is by default a
Easier question: Is there a way to have dynamic parameters at all? So a defined one in
with a default value, but that it can be modified and outputted by a node?
Why do you need it as a parameter? As you said it’s not a “normal” parameter and is an input to other nodes.
As it is handled as a
I cannot say I need it. But in my use case - logically - that unit of information is a parameter and not part of any dataset. So it would be nice to treat it as a parameter type (pot. nice for ipython session/kedro-viz/mlflow extension,...)
It’s possible to do it via hook, tho we generally don’t recommend doing a lot of dynamic parameters, this makes pipeline hard to debug and reason. kedro-viz provide you a static view about the pipeline, when you add more dynamic behavior it starts to diverge from the view as well.
Thank you for your input. So you recommend to stick to a (Memory)DataSet for "dynamic information" which is not data itself, in general?
Yes, I guess the name of
make it sounds more like a dataset, but it could really be just treated as a python variable. In general I also do this combined with some convention, i.e. for Dataset I use CAPITAL, and anything in memory just using a lower case, same as python variable name convention.