Hey all! Do you think a dataset for ONNX models is...
# plugins-integrations
Hey all! Do you think a dataset for ONNX models is worth contributing to
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hi @Melle van der Linde, thanks a lot for the proposal! were you aware of https://kedro-onnx.readthedocs.io/? apparently it provides an
but I haven't tried it https://kedro-onnx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/autoapi/kedro_onnx/io/index.html#kedro_onnx.io.OnnxDataSet
Thank you! I have seen it, but I’m a bit hesitant to use it since it’s not internally in
, which might be breaking at some point in the future
I understand. my initial recommendation would be to try it out with your current version of Kedro, and if it doesn't work for any reason or breaks in the future, feel free to open an issue in https://github.com/nickolasrm/kedro-onnx and ping me or anyone else from the team. but we are already studying how should we approach cases like these: whether to add everything to
as a way to "bless" a certain dataset (and if so, how can we encourage the community to do that) or, alternatively, how to steward the community of datasets while allowing external people to continue their development.
nickolasrm/kedro-onnx works quite well, that’s quite nice! (@Nickolas da Rocha Machado) That makes sense, interesting topic! Thank you for your help, and keep up the great project 🙂
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oh good to know Nickolas is here! 😄