Hey team, our team wants to contribute to kedro pl...
# plugins-integrations
Hey team, our team wants to contribute to kedro plug-in, more specific Kedro datasets, please can anyone guide us on how to get the repo permission, please
Hi Tingting, contributions can be made via a Pull Request.
What kind of datasets are you trying to add?
Hi Nok, how can we get the permission for creating a new branch?
We seems get denied while pushing a new one
We are planning to add a custom streaming dataset
The process will be forking Kedro-plug-in, make changes and submit a PR
You will make changes to your own fork repo instead of the Kedro one, so you don’t need any permissions
great, thanks for the details!
@Sajid Alam Wizard of the week - I am helping tingting for this PR last week, feel free to ask any question if get stucked.
👍 2