Hi Everyone, Is there updated docs (using kedro 0....
# questions
Hi Everyone, Is there updated docs (using kedro 0.18.+) on building kedro pipelines with pyspark?
Found the page! a link I followed wasnt working but got the information now
Please could you point me at the link that broke and I'll get a redirect in place. @Ana Man
I tried to change the version of kedro in the bottom left hand corner ("read the docs") to 0.18.0 and above but it gives a 404. I assume the docs have been changed around so it isn't in the same place --> https://docs.kedro.org/en/0.17.3/11_tools_integration/01_pyspark.html
https://docs.kedro.org/en/0.18.2/tools_integration/pyspark.html <-- where i found the new page through google search
Thanks, I'll get this fixed.