Hi! I need to find some bioinformatics studies (e....
# questions
Hi! I need to find some bioinformatics studies (e.g. with ConvNet for analysis of medical images or ML models for analysis of sequencing data to diagnose diseases) in which the authors used Kedro. Do you know of any interesting papers? Thanks for your help! šŸ™‚
I don't know about papers, but there are some libraries in healthcare domain on GitHub, e.g.: ā€¢ Lot of stuff from a user named @dermatologist, including https://github.com/dermatologist/kedro-multimodal and https://github.com/dermatologist/kedro-dicom ā€¢ Some articles like https://tdenimal.github.io/projects/kedro/ (he wrote original
that @dermatologist forked)
I am curious why do you need to find a studies use Kedro specifically šŸ‘€
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I need this for my studies to show some usecases of Kedro in bioinformatics problems šŸ™‚
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I do share the sentiment that it shouldn't be necessary to find specific applications for Kedro to a domain, since Kedro is an entirely domain-agnostic tool. But a lot of times this is more of a communication thing. šŸ™‚