Maybe an idea for an upcoming hackathon: adding a ...
# plugins-integrations
Maybe an idea for an upcoming hackathon: adding a Kedro OpenLineage integration
👍 1
👀 3
Hello Ian! We @Getindata are actually among main developers, maintainers and committee of OpenLineage🙂 Could you describe a bit your use case for the integration you have in mind? I will be happy to pass it on to the OL team as info. And, whenever someone starts the project or hackathon, I offer to connect them with the OL team, who would be more than happy to provide help 🙂
🥳 2
Getindata never fails to impress! Keen to be involved in any conversations
@Krzysztof Zarzycki nothing specific in mind! Just saw the other tools in the integrations and thought Kedro might fit in