Anyone seen this error on kedro viz before? Just u...
# questions
Anyone seen this error on kedro viz before? Just upgraded to 5.0 (wasn’t seeing the err on 4.7.2)
Copy code
AttributeError: 'TranscodedDataNode' object has no attribute 'original_version'
@Tynan @Antony Milne any thoughts here?
Unrelated (maybe), but I also have a parameters input to a node which is not being visualised as best I can tell. 2 inputs after ticking parameters on left pane, three (correctly) mentioned on the right.
same behaviour on both viz versions for the missing param
hey. not sure about the first point. hoping Antony or @Rashida Kanchwala can help there
the second one i'm not really grasping the issue. is that node missing the little flag, is that what you mean Tom?
When I tick parameters on the left, it makes ‘some’ of the parameters appear on the visual, i was expecting all of them 🙂
the missing flag might be related - the visual just doesnt seem to recognise that the node has a parameter input
Is there any more information on the stack trace for the
? And does it actually stop you from doing anything or is just appearing on the console?
@Antony Milne -- looking into this AttributeError
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I can share a stacktrace later today but it isn't preventing the viz, just printed to console after the server goes up
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I can sort of see why this would happen, but I have no idea why it would be a new error as nothing has changed here for quite a while. I would guess it was there before but you didn’t notice or didn’t have the same sorts of transcoded datasets before you upgrade kedro-viz?
Is it missing a 🟨 cos of params?
Same exact code, tried both viz versions :p
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so i am getting a different AttributeError and I can confirm this happens in both 4.7 and 5.0 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'describe' when it tries to access original_version._describe () it doesn't break the viz. I will create a bug ticket to look into this Tom, will look into this further once you share your stacktrace. Also just wanted to see your catalog on how you have defined the transcoded datasets.
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