Hey all: How to get session/context inside the nod...
# questions
Hey all: How to get session/context inside the node ?
Hi @Allen Ma, why do you need to access context within a node?
hi @Nok Lam Chan I want to combine hook mechanism to dynamically pass some configuration information to node through context
When you say dynamically, where is this configuration coming from? Is it from external files or nodes output?
From our metadata or config-center service
Or it could be the argument that was passed when we started our DAG, e.g. airflow’s dag_run_conf
Hi @Nok Lam Chan Is it not supported now?
I think there are better ways to do it. Session and context are higher level object and they are the containers for the parameters etc. You don’t need session inside a node to do that, as you are awared that you can use hook. For things like a config from airflow - I would probably use environment variable to solve this, simply write this into environment and communicate with the Kedro pipeline.
👍 1
Another option is using the after_context_created hook, where you can access the context, I don’t think you need to access the context within a node.
Thank you for your advice Let me try that