Hi Team, Are there any projects or examples how to...
# questions
Hi Team, Are there any projects or examples how to use
kedro build-docs
effectively? The Spaceflights tutorial is pretty minimalist and works in that you can see the pipelines and nodes, but how is this used to document parameters or inputs and outputs in greater detail? Thank you!
Hi @Sean Westgate - so
is a pretty thin wrapper on top of the standard sphinx build process and is there just to get people up and running. The convention for documenting parameters is to do so via the reamdme.md created in the pipeline directory. This is a manual process today unfortunately, but maybe not tomorrow…
you can then reference those readmes explicitly in your sphinx toctree
OK - I will have a play with that. Do you know of any projects listed in the community repo that do this well, so I can have a peek?
Oh - just noticed: "DeprecationWarning: Command 'kedro build-docs' is deprecated and will not be available from Kedro 0.19.0." so better to do this outside Kedro then. Many thanks.
If you're thinking of project documentation outside of Kedro @Sean Westgate there's always Github pages. I'm also interested in https://docsify.js.org/#/ as something to try out.
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