Good afternoon Kedro team, My group is evaluating ...
# questions
Good afternoon Kedro team, My group is evaluating Kedro as an ETL framework. So far it's working quite well - thank you for building and supporting this tool. I have some questions about best practices that I can ask in separate threads, but more immediately: is there a standard way to silence the DeprecationWarnings? The DeprecationWarning logging messages clutter up the log and make the CLI difficult to use. I tried the strategy posted here in GitHub using Hooks but this didn't work. Is there a standard way to silence these warnings?
The warnings aren’t coming from Kedro - the solution (in this case) is to upgrade the underlying versions of Sklearn / Numpy
👍 1
I have the same question. somehow when the Kedro logging is enabled, deprecation warnings that were not showing before start popping up - and instead of showing only once, they show every time