Team, I am facing the following issue with *kedro ...
# questions
Team, I am facing the following issue with kedro viz: I have namespaced a modular pipeline called Reporting which is formed by calling another pipeline. It has several outputs. The problem is that there are 2 hanging nodes which don’t connect as the output of Reporting pipeline whereas they should. They are defined as output in the pipeline in code. These hanging nodes are not terminal nodes (meaning that they feed into another function within the pipeline) Note: When i collapse the reporting pipeline, you can see these nodes being connected inside the pipeline (2nd and 3rd screenshot). However when you see the aggregated version of node then these 2 nodes are hanging and NOT connected as output of reporting pipeline. Does anyone have an idea how to deal with it or is this a bug in kedro viz? Would be great if someone from the kedro-viz team can connect and help to resolve this. Thanks!
so the easiest way to debug this is using the
kedro viz --autoreload
function since you can tweak things live and see the viz update
if you want to create a implementation-less example that we can run and debug we can help you that way too
but it’s unlikely this is a Kedro Viz bug given the amount of use this feature gets
Yes i have been using the reload functionality to tweak things for debugging purposes but have not been able to reach a conclusion that why is this happening. Would it be feasible for someone from the team to connect for 5 minutes to help with this? Let me know what works for you guys and i will try to do that. Just pushing for this to fix till tomorrow since we have to demo it this week. Thanks !
are those datasets part of another modular pipeline that you're then using as inputs? if so, we're tracking a issue where that is a known problem:
with similarities in this issue as well as this one
ah it may be this ^
I wasn’t aware of that
Yes this is exactly the issue - Thanks guys for sharing this. Hoping this gets resolved soon!
👍 1
I also came across this one recently