Hi everyone, one quick help please :smile: Does a...
# questions
Hi everyone, one quick help please 😄 Does anyone know how I print the
kedro nodes execution order
on a Databricks Notebook? Thanks
✅ 1
You could use https://kedro.readthedocs.io/en/stable/nodes_and_pipelines/run_a_pipeline.html#custom-runners (click to expand the section, you'll see a dry runner). However, 1. You shouldn't depend on execution order beyond what's specified through dependencies 2. Generally use thread runner with Spark, so execution order will depend
Thanks Deepyaman! Didn’t know about it, can be an alternative. I actually just wanted to check the sequential order. In the Pipeline object I found the method I want https://kedro.readthedocs.io/en/stable/kedro.pipeline.Pipeline.html?highlight=kedro%20pipeline I’m now searching on where this object is saved. But I guess is in the ConfigLoader, which is different on my kedro project.
Where the pipeline object is saved? Sorry, the link is just showing a search on the pipeline docs
thankyou 1
@Matheus Sampaio If you have the Kedro IPython load up, you will have access to the
object. If not you can do
Copy code
%load_ext kedro.ipython #Kedro >=0.18.3
pipelines.node # This should give you a list of node, the SequentialRunner run them in order
thankyou 1
Ohhh I see, thanks a lot, Nok and Deepyaman. Now all make senses 😄