Hi, So I am currently trying to integrate the Gre...
# questions
Hi, So I am currently trying to integrate the Great expectations hook for my data loading process. But the issue is the Hook is not getting registered and I am unable to move forward Here is the issue Please use the latest develop branch for the following project to look through the issue : https://github.com/DhavalThkkar/ecom-analytics All help would be appreciated. Also, can this be directly used as a hook while converting the pipeline to Prefect or Airflow?
You need to register you hook in
I have done this but still it doesn't work
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# Instantiated project hooks.
from ecom_analytics.hooks import DataValidationHooks
HOOKS = (DataValidationHooks)
@Nok Lam Chan am I doing something wrong?
has to be a iterable. So add a comma to the snippet above and initialize the class
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# Instantiated project hooks.
from ecom_analytics.hooks import DataValidationHooks
HOOKS = (DataValidationHooks(),)
Sorry to bother again, the above error was solved but now it's popping this up
It's actually really tough to get the hooks working. I am getting one error after the other
Is there any easy way to use great expectations with kedro? This is my current workflow 1. Create expectations suite by following all the steps listed on the great-expectations documentation website 2. Copy the expectation that is generated and paste the <expectation_name.json> in the data/01_raw/ folder 3. Now I was expecting this to work directly but now I am getting this error `ValueError: Unable to load datasource
-- no configuration found or invalid configuration.` This is extremely difficult. Can someone guide me if I am doing anything wrong?