Hello Kedro community, I have a question regardin...
# questions
Hello Kedro community, I have a question regarding the management of environment variables. Is there a way to use environment variables (ex: MYSQLUSER, MYSQLDB....) in kedro config files (credentials.yml, parameters.yml ...). Thank you very much 🙂
Hi @Massinissa Saïdi, at the moment you could use the TemplatedConfigLoader with globals (https://kedro.readthedocs.io/en/stable/kedro_project_setup/configuration.html#template-configuration), but this isn’t necessarily advised. In our next release you’ll be able to use the new
which will allow you to use environment variables for credentials.
👍 1
Hello @Merel, thanks for you answer. Yes indeed I already use this method with globals.yml but is it possible to use `.env`file and update the parameters in .yml files ?
it will be - today you’ll have to subclass TemplatedConfigLoader to add env vars
👍 1
What kind of parameters do you want to store in environment variables? In Kedro we don’t encourage using environment variables unless it’s for credentials.
yes its for credentials. Do avoid to have the same values in differents files (docker-compose.yml and credentials.yml for example) I wanted to use .env file
this is how you do it
it used to be easier in 0.17.x
Hello again, thanks for sharing. What is the equivalent of `_create_config_loader`method in latest kedro version for KedroContext I cannot find it 😕 ?
I find for now a not proper solution with