Hi Team, qq: When doing kedro viz, if we select ou...
# questions
Hi Team, qq: When doing kedro viz, if we select our main pipeline and expand it, all the modular pipelines appear nested. However, when we collapse it, one of the pipelines is no longer within the main pipeline, it appears isolated on the side. Do you know why might be happening?
so this can be a couple of issues: • The namespaces may not be correctly configured • The layout engine sometimes can’t solve all situations and it will do something like this A good tip of debugging is to use
kedro viz --autoreload
so you can test changes live
Hey @datajoely, I tried with the namespaces, but they seem to be correct. I'll run a couple of tests and hope it is not the engine that can't handle it
nested namespaces may also help
you can read how the layout engine works here https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-viz/blob/main/LAYOUT_ENGINE.md
@datajoely, I think I found the cause for this issue: Inputs for the pipeline (reporting) that appears isolated when everything is collapsed are used internally by one of the previous pipelines (modelling). Somehow that makes kedro viz treat that pipeline as internal to modelling. To check this was the issue, I just added a new input to reporting (one that is not used by any other pipeline) and now everything works. Is there a way to fix this issue without adding a false input to the pipeline?
Unfortunately you’ve just hit an edgecase so your solution is sensible
if you would be able to put a minimum re-producible example up as an issue on the Kedro-Viz repo we could get to the bottom of the issue 🙂
Will do!
👍 1