is there a way to save a kedro project template? t...
# questions
is there a way to save a kedro project template? there are the usual things i change and add when setting up a new project, is it possible to save this template and instead of kedro new , do kedro load ?
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You can either create a repository as mentioned in the above link or if it’s common enough you can make it a pip- installable starter so you can do
kedro new -s <CUSTOM_STARTERS>
πŸ‘ 1
awesome thanks!
What I typically do when I need a new starter is literally copy it out of the installed package. If you're using anaconda it'd be something like
Copy code
cp -R home/<USERNAME>/anaconda3/envs/<ENV_NAME>/lib/python<VERSION>/site-packages/kedro/templates/project/ <YOUR_DEST_DIRECTORY>