:kedro: Hi @here, we are excited to announce that ...
# announcements
K Hi @here, we are excited to announce that Kedro 0.18.5 is out! K
TLDR: In this release, we introduce a brand new config loader powered by
, updates & improvements to
kedro run
command options, the ability to use generator functions as nodes, and more!
Kedro 0.18.5 is a non-breaking release in the 0.18.x series, which means you can upgrade with:
pip install kedro==0.18.5
conda install -c conda-forge kedro==0.18.5
🚀 Major Features/Changes • Several configuration improvements ◦ A new config loader, the
, which uses the powerful
library under the hood. â—¦ A new flag
for the
kedro run
command that allows you to specify the location of your config files. â—¦ You can now also use the
syntax with
kedro run --param
flag. • Improvements to the
kedro run
CLI to make it more consistent â—¦ The flags
, and
are deprecated in favour of
, and
(they’ll be removed in Kedro 0.19.0). ◦ Filter and run nodes by node namespace using the
flag with
kedro run
. • Support for using generator functions as nodes, i.e. using
instead of
. • New
argument to all four dataset hooks. • Documentation improvements and additions. 🪲 Bug fixes and other changes • Corrected the parsing of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 URIs used in datasets. • Fixed the incorrect splitting of auto-generated node names containing commas for
kedro run
. • Fixed bug where
manifest section in
wasn’t being recognised as allowed configuration. • Added safe extraction of tar files in
micropkg pull
caused by
• Added `anyconfig`’s
parameter to
module functions for more flexible
customisations. • Fixed bug causing
hook to be called only once even when multiple datasets are being saved in a single node and async saving is in use. • And more … You can find the full list of changes in the release notes: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/releases/tag/0.18.5 We welcome every community contribution, large or small. See what we're working on now and report bugs or suggest future features. 📣 Watch this space for announcements for upcoming sessions where we talk more about the brand new OmegaConfigLoader, our upcoming work on Databricks, and new experiment tracking features introduced in Kedro Viz 5.3.0! 📣 Until next time, The Kedro Team 💜
🔥 15
🎉 7
K 16
🚀 12