hi everyone! any opinions on what's the best way t...
# random
hi everyone! any opinions on what's the best way to set up a Python development environment on Mac? I ran a poll on social media and folks recommended: • avoiding Xcode (only useful to develop software for iOS and macOS) • avoiding using Homebrew's Python (because uncontrolled upgrades break virtual environments) • trying out pyenv (but I'm not a fan of compiling every version from source and "polluting" the shell with shims) • downloading Python
installers directly from
(even though it's not very efficient) • using `conda`/`mamba`/`micromamba` (the one I'm more inclined to) thoughts?
you need XCode for some of the C++ stuff behind the scenes
I use minconda but mamba may be the way to go these days
I use conda for env management purely because I remember the CLI command no other reason
Also if you want to use containers my company wants you to use Rancher desktop since it hasn’t paid the Docker licence
Also if you want to use containers the firm wants you to use Rancher desktop since it hasn’t paid the Docker licence
uh that's good to know
I use minconda but mamba may be the way to go these days
I find
totally awesome
you need XCode for some of the C++ stuff behind the scenes
I thought the "Xcode Command Line Tools" (not to be confused with plain "Xcode" apparently) were enough to install
and so on? https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/install-xcode-command-line-tools/
👍 1
ah i didn’t know that about the diff
thats great
I find Mamba works best, or you could try out pyenv (heard good things about that)
I favour `conda`/`mamba`/`micromamba` as well. I always experience locking issues when using Poetry with PyTorch, whereas
/`micromamba` always seem to resolve the deep learning frameworks properly. I’ve recently been using
for reproducible builds, which I’m also quite impressed with.
💡 2