Is there a way to access the session ID or any oth...
# questions
Is there a way to access the session ID or any other pipeline-execution identifier from within the nodes of a pipeline?
👀 1
You can generate your own ID using hooks early in the lifecycle and then inject it into all nodes in
. Alternatively - use mlflow run id, if you're using mlflow.
The first sounds like a neat solution - so I understand the
cannot be/is not available to the pipeline and nodes upon execution?
node functions don't know anything about Kedro, they're regular functions that take dataframes and produce dataframes. so much so that you could reuse them in a non-Kedro context without changes. hence the way to achieve what you want is by using hooks as @marrrcin suggests
If you know what your id should be, or have the flexibility to generate your own. It will be simpler to register a customer resolver and simply treat that session id as a parameter so it is immediate available for nodes
totally understand the independence of nodes
I was referring to something like
something liek that that I can use within nodes, to get the session data
So the question is - why do you need that? 😉
👍🏼 1
@marrrcin sorry for late reply I wanted that because I need to carry a string for teleemtry purposes over nodes. So I have some kind of a session ID, and traces go underneath that session ID. From a business perspective ,the session is the same throughout the execution of the pipeline. This Session ID is what I was trying to set