Hi Team, Can someone please help me in Kedro's ins...
# questions
Hi Team, Can someone please help me in Kedro's installation? I am new to this and following the steps given on https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/get_started/install.html
hi @Mehak Gupta, what problems are you having?
I have installed Anaconda and Python. Then, I launched Powershell Prompt from Anaconda Navigator. After that, I created Kedro environment and activated using the commands given on Kedro website
Now, I am trying to install Kedro using conda install -c conda-forge kedro
It's running for a long time now
Not sure why is it taking so much time
@Juan Luis?
right before launching
conda install
, pip says it managed to install Kedro 0.19.3
seems like Spyder is installed in your environment. that makes me think that you're using the
conda environment instead of activating a new one
if that's the case,
conda install -c conda-forge
will take ages. my recommendation is to interrupt it and just use pip
regardless, make sure you're using a separate environment
Got it