Dear team ; any one of you have integrated kedro w...
# questions
Dear team ; any one of you have integrated kedro with s3 compatible Dell ECS storage for reading and writing data into ; Any reference on that will be greatly appreciated ..
If it’s s3 compatible it should automatically work via fsspec
thank you for prompt reply .. I am using hadoop-aws and aws-java-sdk-bundle jars and I keep on getting error about Class not found
I also try using object-client jar matching with my hadoop version and got the similar error
I’m not sure those are kedro specific , if you’re using Spark I’m not 100% that spark will work with Dell ECS out of the box
got it .. yeah error might not be related to kedro but could be related with spark and ecs integration I wanted to see if anyone have done this successfully and use that in my case as well
not to my knowledge unfortunately
thank you @datajoely..