Hello folks! Random question, out of curiosity. I ...
# random
Hello folks! Random question, out of curiosity. I was browsing the kedro-viz repo and saw a PR that removes quantumblack references. What happend there? In the PR people mentioned replacing the references for "LR". Who are those 😅
This? Kedro (including projects like Kedro-Viz) are governed by the Linux Foundation, specifically under the LF AI & Data umbrella.
https://www.mckinsey.com/about-us/new-at-mckinsey-blog/mckinsey-donates-open-source-tool-kedro-to-the-linux-foundation TL;DR even though there is still a significant QuantumBlack/McKinsey presence on the Technical Steering Committee for Kedro, the project is not governed by QB/McK, and the steering committee also includes members from a number of other companies (myself from Voltron Data, Marcin from GetInData/Xebia, Yolan from Societe Generale).
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Aaaa awesome!!! Thank you! I just wanted context and googling kedro + quantumblack didn't point me to any recent news 😄