Hello folks, I noticed that when using the `autore...
# questions
Hello folks, I noticed that when using the
mode on
kedro viz
(7.1.0), the shape of my graph changes each time I save a file even when nothing changes. I took the habit of saving several times in a row hoping for the drawing algorithm to converge but it does not seem to work, and, despite my efforts, I keep on having edges crossing each other while it is possible to have a graph without it (see an example in the image, the crossing edge could flow on the right side instead of crossing). Is there a way to avoid crossing and stabilize the graph? Thanks in advance!
👀 1
Thanks @Iñigo Hidalgo!
👍 1
👍🏽 1
Thanks for jumping in @Iñigo Hidalgo 🙏🏼
CC @Rashida Kanchwala