Hi folks, I encountered an unexpected behavior reg...
# questions
Hi folks, I encountered an unexpected behavior regarding the parsing of parameters in version 0.19.2. I implemented a small function to parse date-time from the catalog
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def parse_timezone_aware_datetime_string(datetime_string: str) -> datetime
which I registered as a custom resolver
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    "custom_resolvers": {
        "parse_timezone_aware_datetime_string": parse_timezone_aware_datetime_string
    "base_env": "base",
    "default_run_env": "local",
In the catalog, I added a static parameter
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start: ${parse_timezone_aware_datetime_string:2023-12-13T23:00:00+01:00}
which is correctly parsed
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In [1]: catalog.load("params:start")
[02/13/24 20:56:47] INFO     Loading data from params:start (MemoryDataset)...                                                                                             data_catalog.py:483
Out[1]: datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 13, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
Now, if I add a parameter to be evaluated at run time
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test: ${runtime_params:the_test,2}
and I run a pipeline with
raises an error
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omegaconf.errors.UnsupportedValueType: Value 'datetime' is not a supported primitive type
    full_key: start
If I add the parameter
then I don't have the problem. Let me know if I am not using the configuration loader properly. Thanks in advance!
👀 1
Hey Flavien, are you trying to nest the resolvers? I’m not sure why having a separate runtime parameter would cause the custom resolver to not work. 🤔 Would it be possible to post the full stacktrace?
@Ankita Katiyar I did not intend to nest the resolvers. If I did, it was not intentional. 😅 I created a new project from scratch with only the two parameters mentioned above and a single pipeline with a single node
lambda s: s
Here is the full traceback.
Could I see the project so I can reproduce and debug this please? 😅
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kedro run --params=the_test=1
Thank you, I’ll take a look and get back to you
The error’s coming from
, seems like they do not support non primitive types -
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from pandas import Timestamp
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
x = {'start': Timestamp('2023-12-13 22:00:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 'test': 1, 'the_test': 1}
y = {'the_test': 1 }
conf = OmegaConf.merge(x,y)
This gives the same error. Also -
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conf = OmegaConf.create(x)
It’s working when there’s no runtime params because the config is loaded with
and then the parameter with the custom resolver is resolved after. But when there’s run time parameters, there’s an extra
OmegaConf.merge(parameters, runtime_parameters)
step performed by Kedro and this is after the parameter with the custom resolver was already resolved into
👀 1
I think this we could address this on Kedro side with delaying the resolution of the resolvers. I’ll open an issue for this. Thanks for bringing this up, I think this is one of the edge cases we hadn’t come across before! 😅
In your case, in the meanwhile, I would say converting to
can be a helper function in the pipeline and loading the parameter as a string would work if you’re also intending to use runtime parameters.
Thanks @Ankita Katiyar. I had found another workaround in the meantime. 👍