Inventor Of Modern Data Stack Votes Said Modern Da...
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Inventor Of Modern Data Stack Votes Said Modern Data Stack Is No Longer A Useful Idea
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> Basically all MDS companies were/are VC-backed. 👀
Today, I’m swearing off using the term “modern data stack” and I think you probably should too.
It turns out, you just don’t need it.
the cloud has won; all data companies are now cloud data companies. Let’s move on.
arrived there from Ananth Packkildurai's newsletter, which added
With the modern data stack, we built hyper-specialized tools that resulted in high integration and cloud cost. It leads to hiring more developers and more lead time to produce value. The cloud-native data stack is still valid but with an integrated workflow to build and manage the data assets.
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The Hackernews thread is super interesting too
The companies prefer integrated solutions now because they woke up. Instead of paying 150k/y each to Fivetran, dbt and whatnot, they realize that they are better of just hiring an engineer or two in the worst case. It is 2024, and none of these tools still properly talk to each other. Do you want to get an end-to-end lineage of your data? Good luck with that. How about quality? How about governance? Companies are left alone with this hype cycle.
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(seriously though OSS + hire an engineer and you'll save a ton of money)
btw one of the products mentioned in the conversation, Bruin, looks really cool. I connected with the founder on LinkedIn, he said he's a Kedro fan 😄
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