Are there any known issues using fastparquet to sa...
# questions
Are there any known issues using fastparquet to save a pandas dataset? I'm brand new to kedro ... was literally trying to get my very first node ever to process and it was throwing an did it with the node I wrote and also one of the sample nodes.
Copy code Failed while saving data to data set ParquetDataset(filepath=D:/XXXXX/bmad-data-analysis/data/02_intermediate/preprocessed_companies.pq, load_args={}, protocol=file, save_args={}).
I/O operation on closed file.
I uninstalled fastparquet and installed pyarrow and is works now.
Can you post the full error stacktrace? I think there should be more info above this error
and how did you install the dependencies? (and
FYR, typically if you install the project requirements file or pyproject.toml, it should install
already. I can confirm this is an issue, I manually delete
and install
and arrive at the same error. For now I suggest to use
, since this should be increasing the standard of the community, but at the same time we will to fix the bug.
pyarrow is deffo the standard these days, we should remove any references to fastparquet on our side
Sorry for the delayed response, and thank you for looking into this. Since you've been able to recreate the problem, it doesn't sound like you still need me to post the stacktrace. I've been using pipenv to manage my environments. I'm actually a bit confused right now ... I just created a new kedro project. Piopenv sees the requirements.txt file and uses it. Previously this didn't seem to install pyarrow or fastparquet, and pandas displayed a warning message that one of those two packages was going to be a non-optional requirement. But my current project did in fact install pyarrow. I think for now the best thing is to drop this. You've been able to replicate the issue relevant to kedro, so any problems I have with pyarrow being installed or not doesn't seem to warrant continued discussion.
Did you manually install
? i think this is breaking the installation
Yes, I manually installed fastparquet and when that didn't work I installed pyarrow. This is what is currently coming up after installing pandas:
Copy code
>>> import pandas
<stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning:
Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0),
(to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries)
but was not found to be installed on your system.
If this would cause problems for you,
please provide us feedback at <>
Wow now I'm really going insane ... I'm certain that when I first saw this message, it said "pyarrow or fastparquet" ... now it only says "pyarrow"
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I reckon slightly newer versions of Pandas and Kedro have both dropped fastparquet and some wires have got crossed. Hopefully if you install the latest in a clean env this isnโ€™t an issue ๐Ÿคž
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