Follow-up question on factories: I have this data...
# questions
Follow-up question on factories: I have this dataset definition.
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  type: axpo.kedro.datasets.pandas_arrow_dataset.ParquetArrowDataset
  path: <abfs://container/country/technology/granularity/predictions/>
  credentials: blob_storage
  versioned: true
  write_mode: append
  partition_method: datetime
  datetime_column: gas_date
  partition_by: [year, month, day]
all the config will be the same regardless of the dataset, but I would like to make the last 3 configurable. Could I somehow refer to a global defined like so?
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        datetime_column: gas_date
        partition_by: [year, month, day]
K 1
Do you mean something like using variable interpolation?
Yeah, either normal variable interpolation or using globals. But I would need to use the captured groups from the dataset factory to point to the right variable to interpolate Something like this:
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    partition_method: datetime
    datetime_column: gas_date
    partition_by: [year, month, day]

  type: axpo.kedro.datasets.pandas_arrow_dataset.ParquetArrowDataset
  path: <abfs://container/{signal_name}/predictions/>
  credentials: blob_storage
  versioned: true
  write_mode: append
  partition_method: {_dataset_config.{signal_name}.partition_method}
From what I can tell and @Ankita Katiyar mentioned in the other thread, the variable interpolation happens before the actual dataset factory is "applied", so I'm getting the impression it's not really possible to do what I want
This isn’t possible right now again because the config loading happens way before the dataset factory resolution but we do have an issue open to collect use cases for something like this, if you want to add yours too, that’d be great 😄 -
Would that be the correct issue? I'm talking about a different way of interpolating but that issue seems to be about using the factories pattern in other config types, right?
It's the best issue at present - this comment seems similar to what you're trying to do. As Ankita confirmed, it's not currently possible, but do upvote the issue/comment (or add an additional one if the comment above doesn't quite capture your use case). We're still in our first iteration of this feature, all suggestions for further extensions are welcome 😄
🙏 1
Posted a reply, thank you 🙂
np 1
At this point I probably will be looking into some hacky method to get this behavior as the factories without being able to customize certain parameters dont get me where I need for the product I'm trying to build. I would welcome any thoughts here for more complex solutions involving hooks. I can see an after_catalog_created but also possibly subclassing the Datacatalog which is where all this resolving happens
👍 1