Hello! When running `kedro viz run`, I get this er...
# questions
Hello! When running
kedro viz run
, I get this error:
[02/05/24 13:49:58] ERROR    [Errno 10048] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 4141): une seule utilisation de chaque adresse de socket (protocole/adresse réseau/port) est habituellement autorisée.
This can translate to:
only one use of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is usually allowed.
And then kedro viz renders nicely, but one of my recently added dataset (successfully saved when running
kedro run
) does not appear in
. Does this error look familiar to you?
I think you may have a viz process already open
You may need to kill another terminal or python task
Yes thanks, you made me realize I had Kedro viz running on another IDE...
if you need to run more than one viz instance for some reason you can modify the port it attempts to bind to:
kedro viz run --port 4242
👍 1
Thanks 🙂