Hello all! When I attempt to save a PyTorch model...
# questions
Hello all! When I attempt to save a PyTorch model with a pickle dataset, it only saves the weights and biases as a dictionary. How can I save the whole model? This documentation page that lists all the Kedro datasets (https://docs.kedro.org/projects/kedro-datasets/en/kedro-datasets-2.0.0/) does not seem to include a class to save a PyTorch model, which I find weird since there is one for TensorFlow models. Okay, I could create my own custom AbstractDataset class, but I prefer using the built-in one! So as I said, this will only save a dictionary containing the weights and biases of the PyTorch model:
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  type: pickle.PickleDataset
  filepath: data/05_models/my_pytorch_model.pkl
  backend: pickle
I wish you a great Friday πŸ™‚
Why are you trying to pickle PyTorch model?
Use torch script or sth PyTorch native Check this video around 23:29


I don't know, i thought it was possible πŸ˜‚ Thanks!
πŸ‘ 1
It’s better to stick to native formats for given libraries πŸ™‚
πŸ‘ 1
@marrrcin, do you have the code somewhere for you class TorchScriptModelDataSet? I did not find it on GitHub.
This documentation page from Skorch says we can save a NeuralNet object with pickle, that is why I thought it was possible: https://skorch.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/save_load.html
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class TorchScriptModelDataSet(AbstractDataSet):
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        map_location: str = "cpu",
        fs_args: Optional[Dict] = None,
        credentials: Optional[Dict] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.map_location = map_location

        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._storage_options = {**_credentials, **_fs_args}

        self._fs: AbstractFileSystem = fsspec.filesystem(
            self._protocol, **self._storage_options

    def _load(self) -> ScriptModule:
        with self._fs.open(self.filepath, "rb") as f:
            return torch.jit.load(f, self.map_location)

    def _save(self, data: ScriptModule) -> None:
        with self._fs.open(self.filepath, "wb") as f:
            return torch.jit.save(data, f)

    def _describe(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {"type": "Torch Script Model"}
πŸ₯³ 1
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  type: kedro_pytorch_demo.datasets.TorchScriptModelDataSet
  filepath: data/model.pt
Thanks! Unfortunately, the object I want to save is a NeuralNetRegressor (from Skorch package), which does not have the method 'to_torchscript', so I guess I'll need to train my nn with something else than Skorch!
Lightning - always πŸ˜„
Oh yes? But is is compatible with SKLearn?
Most likely not
Do you need it though? Skroch is a high level wrapper around PyTorch that sometimes is too high level
I get all the `fit`/`predict` approach from scikit, but imho it does not apply that well in NN world
Interesting! Maybe lightning is better suited for my needs, I'll try it. I'm new to Python so I just took the first package I came across πŸ˜‚ Many thanks!
Very weird because my pickle-saved fitted NeuralNetRegressor object is a dictionary (with keys 'weights' and 'biases') when I load it with catalog.load(). However, when I run the pipeline, it is an actual NeuralNetRegressor object, since I use this function on it:
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def extract_768_20_params(model):
    weights = model.module_.fc1.weight.data
    biases = model.module_.fc1.bias.data

    return {'weights': weights, 'biases': biases}