Hello! I am using the dataset factory in my projec...
# questions
Hello! I am using the dataset factory in my project and for some reason I cannot see the layers nor the experiment tracking results. I saw the same problem here and solved it using the hook (with some changes because of the methods and classes new names). Do you have any clue on why I am still having this problem and the hook solves it? Thanks in advance. kedro = 0.19.2 kedro-viz = 7.1.0
👍 1
@Rashida Kanchwala @Jitendra Gundaniya Can you help with this question?
Hi, this is a known issue for experiment tracking. Dataset Factories hasn't been working for experiment tracking and we will be working towards resolving this. However, it should work fine with flowchart view and layers.
Thank you! In the meantime the posted solution seems to solve the problem
we will look into it. We had earlier fixed this on Kedro viz 6.6.1 but we had to revert it because it was causing other problems. So now we are looking into an alternative
@Ravi Kumar Pilla
Hi @Felipe Monroy, we had similar implementation on the kedro viz side but it raised other issues of Dataset timeouts. The better way might be to get this implemented in the framework side. We will also check if the above hook can be an alternative. Thank you
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