Hello! Do you know why Kedro viz complicates the g...
# questions
Hello! Do you know why Kedro viz complicates the graph by making arrows cross each other when they shouldn't? Example:


K 2
Could you point out which specific part you are referring to?
Yes! The node "Results" downstream "Base Batchnorm Dropout" should be right below.
I see. As far as I understand, kedro-viz render graph with its own optimisation algorithm. We tried our best to handle these line crossover but it turns out to be tricky to handle all edge cases.
👍 1
Oh I get it, these algorithms must be complicated, thanks! Maybe it's not even possible to always get an optimal solution...
This is indeed one of the most complicated bit of kedro-viz. The engine was developed quite a while ago, it is documented here if you are interested. https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-viz/blob/main/LAYOUT_ENGINE.md
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