I just learned that the command `kedro jupyter not...
# questions
I just learned that the command
kedro jupyter notebook
can be great to develop the code in your nodes, because you can have access to the catalog, among others. Is there a way to open a Jupyter Notebook directly in your IDE? I have PyCharm Pro.
jupyter 3
%load_ext kedro.ipython
Once you run
kedro jupyter notebook
kedro jupyter setup
), basically any of the
kedro jupyter
command. It will register a kernel. When you open a notebook in IDE, you can select the kernel and it will automatically run the extension. Otherwise like @Juan Luis suggested, you can always add that addition line of code to load it up!
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@Francis Duval is there anything we could have done on your journey to help you discover this quicker?
Thanks! I'll try that. @datajoely, yes, would be nice to have a section like "Run Kedro Jupyter in an IDE" on this doc page: https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/notebooks_and_ipython/kedro_and_notebooks.html. Maybe a screenshot of a ipynb file opened in an IDE like PyCharm would help to find the doc faster.
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If you have the VSCode plugin for Jupyter notebooks, then you can also pull your Kedro stuff into there. I am curious if there is a good Vim plugin out there, but have not had the time to look into that yet.