Hello all! Is there any documentation about tunin...
# questions
Hello all! Is there any documentation about tuning neural networks (or other machine learning algorithms) hyperparameters using Kedro? I don't really know where to start. Sure, I want to create a new pipeline which will be given a training and validation set. I was wondering about the best way(s) to proceed. This is what I want: • I would like the pipeline to output a text file or table containing the validation loss for all hyperaparameters combinations. • Ideally, I would like to track the experiments (so if I change my hyperparameters grid, I want to still have access to former results). • Could MLFlow help me with this? I know that Kedro has its own experiment tracking system. • Could the Kedro parameters help me achieve my goal? • It would be nice to visualize the results in Kedro viz. Thanks!
Answer to some of these questions. For tracking, you can use Kedro's own experiment tracking, MLflow would also work. Checkout the kedro-mlflow plugin which is maintained by our community.
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for outputing text file, I guess it's quite simiilar to what you want from experiment tracking (or any similar tool)? To do this, you can use hook
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What exactly do you want to visaulise? Kedro-viz has some capacity to show plots/table. If you use experiment tracking then you get a few more advanced charts and ability to compare between runs.
For hyperparameter tuning, maybe @marrrcin will have some good idea?
Mostly tables showing the loss for each hyperparameter combination.
Looks like kedro-mlflow is what I need! I could log the tuning results as an artifact. An since MLFlow tracks the runs, I'll be able to see the results of previous run. Thanks!
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that's great:) there is a #plugins-integrations channel and plenty of kedro-mlflow users and the authors of the plugin in this Slack group.
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For hypermarams search I don't think that there's a golden/community approved standard yet. I'd love to hear some ideas or approaches people use/try to use
Hi everyone, It’s been a while ! Regarding Hyperparameter Search: I’m looking into using Optuna… Has any of you guys used it in a kedro pipeline + kedro-mlflow ? 🙂 Have a nice week-end, Cheers M