Hi all, A colleague recently told me about Kedro ...
# questions
Hi all, A colleague recently told me about Kedro and I wanted to give it a try, so I've been following along with the "First Steps" guide from the documentation. However, whilst executing
kedro run
as specified in the "Run the new project" step, I receive the following errors:
Copy code
TypeError: ProjectMetadata.__new__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'example_pipeline'
RuntimeError: Found unexpected keys in 'pyproject.toml'. Make sure it only contains the following keys: ['package_name', 'project_name', 'kedro_init_version', 'source_dir', 'tools'].
Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? For reference, I am using a fresh conda environment as specified in the documentation on Windows 11 and Kedro v0.19.1. Cheers, Brandon
Hi @Brandon D'Agostino. Sorry about the rocky experience getting started! If you open
in your new project directory, it will have a line:
Copy code
example_pipeline = "True"
Delete that line and try
kedro run
👍 1
I will look into the issue; this shouldn't have happened, probably a bug introduced in the 0.19 series just before the holidays.
Thanks @Deepyaman Datta, that did the trick! I'll keep an eye out for an update.
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I will confirm with the team, but it looks like it's fixed in the codebase, but not yet released.
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