I am using kedro 0.19.1 on PyCharm. I have install...
# questions
I am using kedro 0.19.1 on PyCharm. I have installed kedro and kedro viz. When I run 'kedro viz run' it is failing. Is there any additional steps I need to follow here? Error: kedro.framework.cli.utils.kedroCLiError: func: <function _check_viz_up at ...>, didn't return True within specified timeout
@Rashida Kanchwala can you help here?
Hi, what version of kedro-viz are you on
@Rashida Kanchwala I am using 'kedro-viz 7.0.0'
Hello, I am getting the same error when I run 'kedro viz run'. Was this issue resolved? I am using kedro 0.19.2 and kedro-viz 7.1.0.
is this on Pycharm as well?
No. I am using VScode on a linux Red Hat machine.
there's a bug related to kedro-viz and kedro-datasets for which a fix is going to be released soon. Can i ask you if you have kedro-datasets installed ?
Ok thanks for the information! Yes, I have kedro-datasets==2.0.0 installed.
ok...can i ask you to raise a bug report on github issues. We will have to look into it as it seems like something that is affecting only certain users. @Sean Noonan -- were you be able to fix this issue?
what's the fix for this?
any update on this? kedro 0.18.4 kedro-datasets 1.8.0 kedro-viz tried multiple versions using WSL
We are not able to replicate this bug and hence will require more investigation. @Kenny B - can I ask you to raise this issue on github and we can look at it in our next sprint.