Hi, another quick question : what is the best prac...
# questions
Hi, another quick question : what is the best practice with credentials.yml and kedro docker ? I have a conf/base/credentials.yml file with ${oc.env:my_password} but this file get ignored by my dockerignore file, so I cannot use it in my container. Is there a clean way to pass my password within a docker ?
Use environment variable
That's what I do with ${oc.env:my_password} I have a env variable that I pass to my script and it works well. But kedro-docker plugins ignore all credentials files, so I guess there is another way to do so ?
And i've read that oc resolver is not activated for files other than credentials...
The environment variable should be built into the docker image, the template that it generates is just the starting point, you can edit the docker file and add more if you need.