Hi team, a question when using Kedro params at run...
# questions
Hi team, a question when using Kedro params at runtime: Right now i have a project with the following parameters.yml (example):
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    aba: "2023-11-01"
    abb: "2023-11-01"
    abc: 14
I was using Kedro 0.18.2, and running kedro command with the following works fine:
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kedro run --pipeline deploy --params="aaa.bbb.aba=2023-12-01, aaa.bbb.abb=2023-12-01"
Recently we are deploying a new image which got the version bumped to 0.18.14, and now the pipelines throws the following error:
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KeyError: 'abc'
which implies aaa.bbb.abc in this nested parameter is not presented anymore. May I know is it an expected change? We read the docs but it does not specify nested parameter overwriting rules at runtime (https://docs.kedro.org/en/latest/configuration/parameters.html#how-to-specify-parameters-at-runtime) and what would the suggested solution for such case? Thanks in advance πŸ™
Right now it is solved with OmegaConfigLoader with runtime_params. Still I would like to know what the expected behaviour should be πŸ™
Which config loader are you using?
For the record, the
syntax isn't available in 0.18.2, it is still using the older
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kedro run --params="aaa.bbb.aba:2023-12-01, aaa.bbb.abb:2023-12-01"
I get this result in 0.18.2
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{'aaa': {'bbb': {'aba': '2023-12-01', 'abb': '2023-12-01', 'abc': 14}}}
and identical result in 0.18.14
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{'aaa': {'bbb': {'aba': '2023-12-01', 'abb': '2023-12-01', 'abc': 14}}}
Can you try to work on it in a minimal example?
I have my testing project here: https://github.com/noklam/debug_kedro_0182
Hi Nok, thanks for the heads-up. Upon further checking, seems we reproduce by this setting, under 0.18.14 (and it is not related to 0.18.2), by: β€’ Switching to OmegaConfigLoader in settings.py β€’ Having a separate env conf (e.g. conf/add/parameters.yml) β€’ Invoke kedro run per:
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kedro run --env=add --params="aaa.bbb.abb=2023-11-11"
From the two images, you can see that only top-level key aaa (which we overwrite at runtime) is affected, other top-level keys (def, xyz) are not.
Would you be able to push this fork somewhere I can reproduce?
β€’ Having a separate env conf (e.g. conf/add/parameters.yml)
Is this related? if you remove the extra parameters does the override key get recovered?
I forked the project and uploaded the files to reproduce the result, please see if you can access it via here: https://github.com/chy111126/debug_kedro_0182 The README contains results from different combinations of flags for your reference.
Right now it is solved with OmegaConfigLoader with runtime_params. Still I would like to know what the expected behaviour should be πŸ™
Did you still manage to use runtime_params to solve this issue with env? It's not immediately obvious to me is there a workaround yet.
I keep my update in the Github issues here: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/3456 It seems that the issue is with the OmegaConfigLoader, on 0.18.x if I switch back to ConfigLoader I don't see this merging behavior. I don't think this is expected.
Can you try adding this in
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    "merge_strategy": {"parameters": "destructive"},
I can confirm this is a bug now, the
workaround should work. For the details, it appears that the parameters that get passed via CLI is set as a parameters in both environments, thus the destructive merging behavior.
kedro run  --params="aaa.bbb.abb=2023-11-1199999" --env add
Copy code
config={'aaa': {'bbb': {'aba': '2023-11-01', 'abb': '2023-11-1199999', 'abc': 14}}, 'xyz': {'asdf': 123123}}

env_config={'def': {'gg': 123}, 'aaa': {'bbb': {'abb': '2023-11-1199999'}}}

resulting_config={'aaa': {'bbb': {'abb': '2023-11-1199999'}}, 'xyz': {'asdf': 123123}, 'def': {'gg': 123}}
πŸ™ 1
πŸ‘€ 1
i got this error after adding CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS in settings.py, as image shown
Did you still manage to use runtime_params to solve this issue with env? It’s not immediately obvious to me is there a workaround yet. -> yes, we do workaround by defining another set of runtime params and overwriting those at runtime instead
I just checked again the changes was committed at 2023 Nov, so unfortunately it's not in 0.18.14, the first available version is 0.19
got it, does this behaviour persist on 0.19 or only works on >=0.18.14 + OmegaConfigLoader? i might consider upgrading if this bug is fixed by latest version
It still exist in the latest version,
workaround is only available in 0.19. I don't have a timeline of when this will be fixed yet, since I just wrote the ticket before the holiday and it hasn't been discussed by the team. PRs are welcomed if you are interested.
Thanks for the heads-up! Will wait for the ticket since our side is not too familiar with how Kedro works internally. Again, much appreciated for the troubleshooting πŸ‘
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Hi team, I have encountered the same issue in the 0.19.3 release. In config\omegaconf_config.py, the env_config calls the load_and_merge_dir_config function and merged with the input parameters. I propose a fix that adds a Boolean flag for the function, such that the parameters will not be merged with env_config Cheers!
Sorry for missing the attachment:
Did the solution works for you?
@Ankita Katiyar
πŸ‘€ 1
There is a ticket created for this but we haven’t implemented a fix, the solution in this thread is a workaround
@Sam Yuen Can you explains a little bit more, why would runtime params only merge with base env but not the runtime_env? It would be great if you can leave comments on https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/3456, PRs are very welcome too but I suggest to have some discussion first.
@Nok Lam Chan Sure! I think we may add one more check condition for merging action as illustrated
πŸ‘πŸΌ 1