stumbled upon this blog post again <https://incide...
# random
stumbled upon this blog post again (I remember reading it a couple of times last year) what does your (modern?) data stack look like? for local projects I usually go with: Meltano, Delta tables on MinIO, Kedro, Metabase
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Took inspiration from you and have started to test delta tables on MinIO šŸ™‚ atm just using my local dev machine, but it should transfer to smth like digitalocean quite seamlessly
(dont worry the API key is fake šŸ˜… )
nice!! how did you find the experience so far @IƱigo Hidalgo?? šŸ™‚
I wish it wasn't an experimental API as I wish I could start using it in prod already! I think last time I looked at the delta-rs implementation they didn't have support for loading as a certain version other than just passing the version number. Using the timestamp is much better UX. I still have to figure out all the table merging stuff, as the true power of delta tables is in there, but it seems very very promising.
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